Learn how and where to go to install the MediaSilo extension for Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
Install the MediaSilo Extension
You can find the free MediaSilo extension by opening the Creative Cloud app and searching for "MediaSilo," or by visiting the Adobe Exchange website: https://exchange.adobe.com/creativecloud.details.104163.shift-panel.html.
Once you acquire the MediaSilo extension, you can install, update, and uninstall it from Creative Cloud by going to Stock & Marketplace > Plugins > Manage plugins.
To activate the extension, open an Adobe app, such as Premiere Pro, and go to Window > Extensions > MediaSilo. The following section will show you how to connect the extension to your MediaSilo account.
Open the MediaSilo extension in Premiere Pro.
Don't see the MediaSilo extension?
If your Mac uses an Apple silicon processor, you may need to click a single checkbox before you can access the MediaSilo extension.
Open a Finder window, go to Applications, and find the Adobe app you want to use.
Right-click the app, and select Get Info (or press Command-I).
Then, click the checkbox next to Open using Rosetta.
This will allow the MediaSilo extension to run on your Mac. Click here to learn how Rosetta translates apps for use with Apple silicon.
Activate the MediaSilo Extension
Once you install the MediaSilo extension, you need to activate it before you can access your workspaces and projects. The screenshots below feature Premiere Pro, but you can follow the same steps in After Effects, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
If you haven't already opened the MediaSilo extension, go to Window > Extensions > MediaSilo. When you open the MediaSilo extension, an activation code appears. Enter this code by visiting app.mediasilo.com/activate in your web browser.
The MediaSilo panel displays an alphanumeric code that you enter in your browser.
If you are already logged into MediaSilo, the activation page appears in your web browser, where you can enter your code. If you are not logged into MediaSilo, log in as you normally would, and then enter your code.
Open the URL in your web browser, and enter your code.
A "Success!" message confirms you have activated the MediaSilo extension.
After you enter your activation code, the MediaSilo extension automatically refreshes and displays all your MediaSilo projects and assets, so you can start browsing, importing, and exporting files.
The MediaSilo extension refreshes to display your MediaSilo projects.