Learn how to create, share, and edit distribution lists.
Distribution lists allow you to save a list of contacts – MediaSilo users and non-users alike – for easily sharing links. These lists have a limit of 750 contacts per list.
Create a New Distribution List
When you send a Review Link, you can enter link recipients in the Recipients field and save those recipients as a distribution list. First, enter emails or user names, and then click "Save Distribution List."
Create a new distribution list.
Next, enter a name for your distribution list and choose a sharing option. Your list can be private and only accessible to you; you can share the list with specific users; or you can make the list accessible to all users on your workspace.
You can share your list with others or keep it private.
When you are done, click “Save.”
Once you have created a distribution list, you can quickly access it by clicking the user icon in the bottom-right corner of the Recipients field.
Access your saved distribution lists.
Distribution Lists are also auto-suggested when you start typing in the Recipients field.
You can select autosuggested users and distribution lists.
In some cases, you cannot share a link with everyone in your distribution list. This can be the result of your sharing permission, your link settings, or your workspace settings. To learn more, please see Distribution List Restrictions.
Edit Your Distribution List
Click "Edit Distribution Lists" to see who is included in a list or to add and remove people from a list.
Access and edit your distribution lists.
Click into the Recipients field and then click the "X" button to remove a user, or enter additional names or emails. You can also enter a user tag to add multiple users at once.
Delete or make changes to your distribution lists.
As an account administrator, you can also access distribution lists from the Administration page. Click the “More” button on the far right, and select “Manage Distribution Lists.”
Access Distribution Lists from the Administration Page.