In MediaSilo, projects are where you upload, organize, and share your files and folders. Only users who are assigned to a project can access it. If a user on your workspace is not assigned to a particular project, then the project is invisible to them.
Create a Project
Go to the Projects section by clicking the file-cabinet icon in the navigation bar on the left. On the Projects page, click the blue New Project button in the top-right corner. As an alternative, you can right-click an empty spot on the page and select “Add Project.” Note that you must be an administrator or manager in order to create new projects.
This opens a window where you can name your new project, enter a project description, and upload a project thumbnail and banner. When you are done, click Create. Your newest project will appear at the top of the page.
You can always edit your project settings later. Start by clicking the gear icon next to the project name.
This opens the “Edit Project” window, where you can rename your project, update its thumbnail image, and more. Be sure to click Save Changes when you are done.
Sort and Search for Projects
To search for a particular project in your workspace, start by clicking the filter button on the Projects home page. Then, enter a search term where it says “Filter by title.”
If your workspace contains thousands of projects, you can page through the first 10,000 search results.
In addition to searching for projects, you can click Sort by to sort your projects by date created, date updated, title, and size. Click Items per page to choose the number of projects to display on the page at once (25, 50, 100 or 200).
You can also sort and search for projects from the project tree. Access the project tree by opening any project and clicking the arrow icon in the top left, next to the search bar.
Click the options menu next to a project or folder to quickly add a subfolder or to share, rename, or delete the project or folder.
Create Folders
To create an empty folder, click the arrow next to the “Add New” button and select “New Folder” from the dropdown menu.
You can also upload folders by dragging them from your desktop onto the project page. This will upload all assets and subfolders, recreating your entire folder structure in MediaSilo. As an alternative, you can click the arrow next to the Add New button and select “Upload Folder.”
Export Asset List
To export a spreadsheet that lists all the assets on the page, click the options button on the right side of the page and select “Export.”
This opens a menu where you can choose to download the asset list as either a CSV or XLS file. Note that the exported spreadsheet only includes the assets currently displayed on the page. For example, if your project contains 500 assets, but you are only displaying the first 25 assets, then the exported spreadsheet will only include those first 25 assets.
Lifecycle Policies
MediaSilo allows administrators and project owners to set up policies that will permanently delete assets once they reach a specific age. For example, if a user enforces a two-month lifecycle policy for a particular project, all the assets in that project will be deleted once they reach an age of two months old.
Keep in mind that the Lifecycle Policy will be enforced on assets depending on the time the files were uploaded, not from the time the policy was turned on. This means that when you turn on a lifecycle policy of two months, any files uploaded more than two months ago will be immediately deleted.
To set up a lifecycle policy for your project, open the “Edit Project” window by clicking the gear icon next to the project name. Then, select “Policies” from the left side of the window. Turn on the toggle and select the number of days, weeks, months, or years after which an asset is deleted.
Clone Projects
You can clone a project by clicking the three-dots button on a project tile and selecting “Clone” from the options menu.
This opens the Clone window, where you can enter a new name and description for the project clone. You can also choose to clone the project folder structure, clone the user assignments, and clone the project's watermark settings.
Note that a project clone does not contain any assets. Cloning allows you to create a new project without needing to recreate your preferred project settings or folder structure.
Delete Projects
You can delete a project by clicking the three-dots button on a project tile and selecting “Delete” from the options menu. You will be prompted to confirm this action because once you delete a project, it cannot be undone.
Note that you cannot delete a project if SafeStream watermarking is enabled on the project. You must first turn off SafeStream before you can delete a project. Start by clicking the three-dots button on the project tile and selecting “Edit Project.” Then, click “SafeStream” on the left side of the window and turn off watermarking.