EditShare has partnered with Adobe to integrate core functions of MediaSilo into Adobe Illustrator.
Install the MediaSilo Extension
To install the MediaSilo Extension, please see How to Install the MediaSilo Extension for Your Adobe Apps.
Import Files from MediaSilo
You can browse your MediaSilo projects, folders, and assets from the MediaSilo panel or use the search bar at the top. If you have access to multiple workspaces, you can switch between them by clicking the workspace name at the bottom of the panel.
To import an asset from MediaSilo to Illustrator, hover over the asset and click the download button.
Share Your File via MediaSilo
When you're done editing your file, you can export the file from Illustrator to MediaSilo and share the file as a MediaSilo Review Link without ever leaving Illustrator.
First, click the Export Document button at the bottom of the MediaSilo panel. Be sure to save your Illustrator file before exporting.
Once you choose a title and upload location, you can click the blue Export button to export the file and automatically upload it to MediaSilo.
If you want to share the file as well, enter emails or user names in the Recipients field. Then, click Export and Share. This will share the file as a MediaSilo Review Link. Note that sharing is optional. Leave the Recipients field blank if you just want to upload your file without creating a Review Link.
Export as a New Version
To export your file as a new version of an existing file, hover over the existing file and click the version icon in the middle.
This will open the Export modal, where you can choose your export settings and, if you are sharing the file, your Review Link settings.
Update the MediaSilo Extension
We periodically update the MediaSilo Adobe Extension to add new features and resolve bugs. You can download the latest version in Adobe Creative Cloud or from this page.