Your Feed is the place to access and search for the links you’ve been sent. It collects all the links that companies have shared with you, including links previously shared through Wiredrive. These links can be searched for and filtered based on their origin.
Links show up as Feed cards. New links appear automatically at the top of your Feed. A blue triangle means a Feed card is new. Once you’ve viewed the link, the triangle will disappear. You can also click the checkbox to mark the Link as done/read.
A blue triangle indicates a new link.
Users who can access the link are displayed in the lower-left corner of the card. If the link sender requested feedback, you'll see a speech-bubble icon in the bottom right.
To find a specific link, you can search by its title or sort by newest items and date updated, as well as your unread links and links you’ve marked as done. You can also expand the left-hand drawer to filter links by Platform, Workspace, or Person. Expand the drawer by clicking the arrow icon in the top left.
Viewing Wiredrive Presentations in MediaSilo
Wiredrive Presentations that have been sent to the email address connected with your MediaSilo user profile are automatically synchronized to your Feed. "Via Wiredrive" is displayed on the Feed card.
"Via Wiredrive" appears below the link title.
When you click on a Wiredrive Feed card, the link will open in your computer's default browser.
Note that the Feed only synchronizes Review Links created after June 2020.